
The sign ups are open!

Sign Up here!

Sign up will be open from Sunday the 26th of May until the 9th of June, 2019.

After sign-up closes, the available spots will be assigned. We will assign 20 spots by lottery and 8 spots by casting. Once you have gotten a confirmed spot at the larp, you will need to confirm your attendance and then pay within three months. We will not accept payment in installments.

If you sign up in a couple, you are prioritized for the characters who are a couple.  We will primarily cast those who have signed up in pairs for these characters, so if you want that experience, signing up with a partner is the best method to attain it. However, be aware that this does not guarantee a happy couple in any way: Many of the couple relations are quite strained.

Sleeping arrangements are double beds, so both couples and single characters will be sharing beds with someone character appropriate. 

The couples are heternormative couples as read by the historical world around them, even if the characters themselves are of different orientations or sexualities. The gender of the player does not restrict the gender of the character played.